September 27, 2023 2023-12-14 6:56FAQ

Project Related
Yes. Purchasers are allowed to enter the project site during its construction.
Absolutely yes. Do contact us for the progress updates.
No, sorry sir. Purchasers are not allowed to change the existing plan.
Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA), otherwise known in English as the Public Sector Home Financing Board, is a housing loan scheme aiming to easily provide housing loans for public sector employees, bridging the gap between property prices and approved load amount. LPPSA loan is the incentive given byt he government to the public servants. If you are part of it, you would not want to miss this! Start to financially plan by fulfilling the application criteria and determining the maximum amount you can borrow.
Loan amount:
- For a first home loan: Should not exceed 60% of your current salary & fixed allowance.
- For a second home loan: Should not exceed 50% of your current salary & fixed allowance.
Debt commitment:
- Not exceed 80% of the net income.
You have to know that the process of applying for a home loan is easier for you compared to a private / contract worker. So, you not only can apply for a full loan, but you can also borrow for a longer period (up to 90 years) at LPPSA. What’s even better: interest rates will also be fixed at 4% compared to bank loans with floating interest rates based on Base Lending Rate (BLR). Usually, the longer the loan term, the higher the interest rate. However, under LPPSA, you not only will enjoy lower monthly payment fees until you reach the age of 90, but the interest rate will also not change throughout the life of the loan.
For private sector employee, you may apply for Housing Loan. There are three types of home loans or mortgages: basic term loans, semi-flexi loans, and full-flexi loan. These three loan types differ from each other in important ways, so take some time to understand which type of home loan suits your needs best.
A basic term loan has a fixed repayment schedule which means you will pay a fixed monthly loan instalment throughout the loan tenure. However, there is one thing about this loan that you should pay more attention to.
Since it is fixed, you are unable to pay off the sum in advance; only home loans that are semi- flexible and fully flexible allow you to do so. Any early payment will instead be applied to the incoming installments; you will not, in any way, save on interest or profit charges.
While a semi-flexible loan, it also has a set repayment plan that is in place for the duration of the loan. The main distinction is that, in addition to your regular monthly payments, you have the option of making advance payments that will reduce the principal balance and reduce the amount of interest that will be charged.
Your basic, or the initial loan amount you borrowed from the bank, will automatically be reduced by the additional payments you’ve made. As a result, the interest rate applied to your installments will be reduced.
A full-flexi loan, which is an improved form of a semi-flexi house loan, comes with a linked current account that will automatically deduct your monthly installment on the specified day each month.
In comparison to a semi-flexible loan, a full-flexible loan makes it easier to lower your interest or profit charges. You can minimise the interest or profit charges by simply depositing any extra money you may have into the associated current account. This amount will be used towards the outstanding principal balance.
A full-flexi housing loan has the added advantage that, unlike a semi-flexi home loan, you can withdraw any additional funds in your current account at any moment without incurring any costs. But a current account typically includes a minor monthly or annual fee.
costs. But a current account typically includes a minor monthly or annual fee.
As a self-employed person, the documents you need to applied loan are very similar to that of an employed person’s, but you might need just a little bit more to make sure the application process goes smoothly.
To put things into a better perspective, we’ll centre this topic around the focus of individual loans, and not company loans.
Here are some documents (and some extras) you need to prepare when it comes to applying for a mortgage loan if you’re self-employed.
1) Company registration documents
2) Company bank statements
3) Income tax
4) Extra documents
- Rental income/agreement
- Utility bills
- Commision records
- Rental income/agreement
- Utility bills
- Commission records
Key Collection
The average length of time to keys being handed over is a month after loan offer accepted.
Purchasers will receive the key along with special key book holder with company’s logo.